Rachel Lavin (author of the "Donut Diaries") shares her journey towards self-love. How can we break away from the societal pressure that shapes our image? Rachel tackles these important questions while revealing her struggle with weight, and her journey of embracing herself. The importance of accepting ourselves before starting any weight loss program is stressed by Rachel. She shares insights into how to reprogram the mind to accept and value our bodies.

Rachel describes her fitness journey and reveals how it evolved to become a mission for women who are on wellness missions. She describes her three-pillar approach to fitness: rest, nourishment, and movement, as well as how it has evolved. Rachel's open discussion on how she transitioned from self-criticism to self-love and on the importance of personalized exercise plans gives a refreshing view of health and well-being. Tune into Rachel's wisdom to discover practical tips for accepting your full self and embracing it with kindness.

Rachel's Bio
Rachel Lavin is a Published author of The Doughnut Diaries, Professional Speaker, Body Love Educator, Certified Health Coach, and Certified Personal Trainer. She grew up in Northern California and has lived in Hawaii, Vancouver Washington, Portland Oregon, and New York City. She currently lives in Greenville, South Carolina with her Partner.

In 2000 Rachel began her career as an ACE-certified group fitness instructor teaching a plethora of classes such as Aqua Aerobics, Bootcamp, Jazzercise, Dance Aerobics,  Stretch and Chair classes. In 2007 she was certified as an ACE Personal Trainer working at big box gyms in NYC and becoming an independent trainer in 2012.  Rachel wanted to take her passion for helping people to the next level and became an ACE-certified Health Coach in 2018.

In 2020 Rachel wrote her first book "The Doughnut Diaries" about her struggles with her weight and restrictive diets which lasted for over thirty years. As Rachel turned forty the expression I got sick and tired of being sick and tired hit home and she made a decision to take her power back and heal from decades of negative thinking and self-sabotage. Rachel began to do the work on my mind, body, and soul. Writing her book was her way of sharing my message to women that you are not alone! Now using her book Rachel wants to help people who have had or a still experiencing negative body image. By using what she now refers to as my three pillars of fitness; Nourishment for both the mind and body, Movement & Rest.

"My mission is to create a safe space for all women to feel whole in their own body" – Rachel Lavin

Rachel's Social Media



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