Holistic nutrition expert Andrea Nicholson is shedding light on the staggering increase in type 2 diabetes among women past their fifties and offers strategies for transformative lifestyle changes.  Lynnis and Andrea peel back the layers of this complex condition, revealing personal struggles and emphasizing the power each individual holds in altering the course of their health.

Understanding the Impact of Stress on Blood Sugar
One surprising revelation is the significant impact of stress on blood sugar levels. Even without consuming sugary foods, stress alone can lead to spikes in blood sugar. This underscores the importance of managing stress as part of a holistic approach to diabetes and insulin resistance.
 Strategies for Transformative Lifestyle Changes
Andrea Nicholson, a holistic nutrition expert, highlights the alarming rise in type 2 diabetes among women over fifty. She offers invaluable insights into how simple lifestyle changes can make a significant impact on managing this condition. From diet modifications to stress management techniques, Andrea's advice is practical and actionable.
Navigating the Intersection of Diet and Insulin
The relationship between diet and insulin is crucial in controlling blood sugar levels. Liquid calories, often overlooked, can be detrimental to metabolic well-being. Understanding the importance of a balanced diet is key to neutralizing this threat. Discover the truth about intermittent fasting and how it can help take control of blood sugar.
Empowerment Through Midlife
The journey through diabetes and insulin resistance is multifaceted, requiring a holistic approach that addresses diet, stress, and lifestyle. By understanding the impact of these factors and making simple yet effective changes, individuals can empower themselves to live healthier, more vibrant lives.
Andrea transitioned from crime scene investigator to functional health investigator after solving her own health challenges with insulin resistance, chronic constipation, and advancing heart disease.  Today, she uses those same investigative skills with her clients to identify and solve underlying health challenges associated with insulin resistance and metabolic health.   Andrea is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, a certified Nutrition Therapist Master, level 3 Restorative Wellness Practitioner, and has completed several continuing education courses in low-carb nutrition therapy practices.  Her practice is entirely virtual, based out of Parker, CO.
Social Media and Website
https://www.facebook.com/aknicholson11 https://www.instagram.com/andreaknicholson
https://www.youtube.com/@andreanicholson https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreaknicholson

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