We've all felt miserable at some point in our lives. We have all had times when we felt down and upset and just completely disconnected and ready to give up on life.

Misery can come in different shapes and we all cope in a different way. Oftentimes we find ways to forget about our problems and find ways to get distracted or even get busy with things just so that we can avoid doing the work.

We also secretly hope that things will just magically go away.

But sometimes all it takes is a change of mind.

If there's a growing feeling of discontent and disappointment within this episode is for you.

In this session, you will develop mental toughness and get the tools you need to ignite a mindset shift. We will discuss:

Introspection and becoming self-aware
You are not your thoughts
Gratitude defeats misery
Getting Grounded With Nature
Shift your mindset to capability by connectingting with others