•Reminding ourselves of our infinity.
•We're all Conscious vs Unconscious manifesters.
•How we can make more conscious choices to manifest!
•Our subconscious is running all the time....
•The Theta State from 0-7 yrs that we've lost touch with!
•We're programmed in our formative years - how to undo negative conditioning
•Why we hold on to our negative beliefs
•On turning her back on a well paid professional career to become an entrepeunuer to live her values....!
•Theta Healing - the turning point!
•The unexpected, profound healing effect of Theta Healing!
•Why even "successful" attactive people complain /feel anxious
•Why not filling the basic human needs make even successful /attractive people angsty...!
•Why we're being socially conditioned/ programmed all the time -and how it's holding us back from finding the right partner, etc!
•Our subconscious runs the show -even when we don't realise it!
•Why Self sabotage spoils your relationships!
•Recognising when you are in an abusive relationship and how to get out...
•Hints to identify when you're in the wrong kind of relationship
•Rebooting your own self-value vs looking for validation out there!
•Our self talk can sometimes be self abuse! Learn to value yourself and ACCEPT yourself!
•Theta healing to access our subconscious and align with our conscious 
•Recognising the disease of blaming others for our problems.
•Recognising synchronicity 
•Getting into the "present" to tap your creative powers
•Find your "zen zone" !
•How 3 words recited in front of a mirror for 2 weeks can change you life!
•Learning to pause the past and future Raspreet's Bio:Raspreet Sagoo is a multi-award winning Holistic Health Therapist, Intuitive Relationship Healer, and transformational Soul Coach.On a spiritual path since childhood, Raspreet has chosen to use her unique spiritual gifts to live her Soul's purpose and passion, as a Medical Intuitive, Access Consciousness® Practitioner, ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Instructor, Medium and Motivational Speaker.Having trained as a Pharmacist, with many years' experience in the medical field, Raspreet couples her knowledge and background in modern medicine with energy healing, to form a very unique therapy.By empowering you to connect with your own innate divinity and power, Raspreet supports you in unlocking your true potential, transforming your life and relationships, and actualising all your heart's desires to create the right balance in life for YOU, in every aspect of your life.Raspreet expertly guides you to re-train your brain, empowering you to develop the right mindset to support you in creating the life, relationship, career, business and health of your dreams.One of Raspreet's passions lies in helping you to prepare yourself to have and maintain your dream soulmate relationship, whether you are looking for a partner or already in a relationship.With the support, guidance and healing Raspreet provides, she helps you to overcome and resolve the pain and trauma from your past, and restores your ability to love yourself, accept yourself and boost your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.Raspreet helps you to clear the path, so you can step fully into a life of more love, joy, ease and abundance in your relationships.Find out more about Raspreet at: ...