A special WAKE UP CALL. Warning: This episode is hard-hitting. It's quite different to other episodes, in that I recorded after coming right out of a recent deep 3 hour meditation. I chose to share some of the realisations/revalations I received during that deep state of inner connectedness, with self and Source.

When listening - I request an open mind, not taking this personally - but lean in to the essence, sincerity and relative urgency with which I delivered it. I speak from a place of "being there myself" for years in the "material wilderness" - living at the "pedestrian" level of life, playing small, hiding in my material comforts, people and status.

This wake up call came to me and set me on this path of self-discovery, personal growth and leadership within various social and community circles. May it be received with the passion and compassion I shared it, and ultimately inspire you in your own personal pursuits.