Welcome to the OMG Oh! Maura Gale Show with Special Guests Tosha  Jackson, Monica Miller, Sharyn Dyer, Crystal January, Rhonda Fleming and Avis Denise Files.

Topic: Vulnerability- Part 1

Maura and 6 of her friends have a whole conversation about vulnerability and shame with introspection, and transparency. We're discussing topics that are normally too taboo to talk about. What age do you think you first started wearing a mask? Find out how they shape and color everything in your life.  Make sure you visit Maura at up2meradio.com to meet her guests and special friends.

The opinions expressed during this broadcast are for inspiration, information and to foster hope.

Enjoying the Conversation?  Visit the OMG OH! Maura Gale Show Page at www.up2meradio.com to learn more about our network, the Show, Host Maura Gale, her guests and to subscribe!

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Thank you for tuning in!