Welcome to A Healthier View with Hosts Beth and Dr. Scott Clitheroe with Special Guest Dr. Ronald Cole.

Topic:  The Gentle Greeting – A conversation with Dr. Ronald Cole about multidiscipline alternative birth including water birth.

Dr. Cole is unique as an enlightened birth advocate and a leading pioneer of spirituality in the field of pregnancy, birthing, and healing. How he came to this role in the field of obstetrics was through his own continuing spiritual journey, which led to his abiding interest as a birth advocate for pregnant mothers.  Unique in itself is the fact that Dr. Cole began his professional life as an engineer, graduating from the University of Missouri with both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in civil engineering. He was working at the Enjay Chemical Company (later to become Exxon Chemicals USA) in Baytown, Texas, when his second child, Kent, faced a medical crisis at the time of his birth in 1969. Kent was born with an "open" spine, or a congenital condition known formally as spina bifida. 

The opinions expressed during this broadcast are for information and inspiration.

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