This week on the Up Yours Podcast we have Ezinne Meribe, a medical doctor, and nutritionist who’s on a mission to help women redefine health and nutrition beyond a dress size.  


In today’s episode, we covered… 

How Ezinne realized what was really holding her back from getting into shape (and what may be holding you back)  The moment she realized that she had a viable business How to overcome imposter syndrome  Why it’s so important to know your ‘why’ and set your goals in order to support it  The three most powerful affirmations Ezinne uses to keep her mind positive and motivated   How to build your audience organically on Instagram   Why your audience size is not the measure of your income potential

Head to Ezinne’s Instagram profile to check out some of her content and say hi!  

You can also find her program, “14 Days to a Sexier Slimmer Waistline” on her website,

I’d love to connect with you, too. Head on over to my Facebook Page and tell me your biggest takeaway from this episode.  

This week on the Up Yours Podcast we have Ezinne Meribe, a medical doctor, and nutritionist who’s on a mission to help women redefine health and nutrition beyond a dress size.  


In today’s episode, we covered… 

How Ezinne realized what was really holding her back from getting into shape (and what may be holding you back)  The moment she realized that she had a viable business How to overcome imposter syndrome  Why it’s so important to know your ‘why’ and set your goals in order to support it  The three most powerful affirmations Ezinne uses to keep her mind positive and motivated   How to build your audience organically on Instagram   Why your audience size is not the measure of your income potential

Head to Ezinne’s Instagram profile to check out some of her content and say hi!  

You can also find her program, “14 Days to a Sexier Slimmer Waistline” on her website,

I’d love to connect with you, too. Head on over to my Facebook Page and tell me your biggest takeaway from this episode.