“I am not cut out for this.” That’s what most people say about themselves when they are starting out. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at the beginning. But then you realize that discipline is like a muscle, and every time you complete an action, you reinforce the neural pathway responsible for that behavior. When you realize that, you go through a paradigm shift that will make your journey 1000 times easier. The most common thought process that beginners have is “this thing is so hard, and it will be this hard forever.”, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Next time you are trying to instill a new habit, take the time to focus on your internal discomfort and repeat, “this task will never be this difficult again. Tomorrow it will be a bit easier.” Focus all your thoughts on that one concept. Nothing will be as hard as it is now, because you are getting better at it every time you practice it. Let that sink in. Once you truly understand it, nothing will be as daunting.