Coming up with ideas for content from scratch is hard. But if you have a process to follow, it’s just a matter of collecting your thoughts and putting them on paper (or your computer) We need to have a frame of reference to start with, and once we have a cue, our minds can begin developing a whole story around it. What do you want your audience to learn? Come up with your topics and assign each subject to a day of the week. Then pick a day to work on your content, and when you sit down, all you need to do is expand on the topics you have already planned to write about. This system is called ”batching.” It works very well because when you carve out a few hours from your calendar to work on one task (content creation in this case), you enter a state of flow, and you work at a much faster pace. Don’t overcomplicate things! Find a system that works for you and focus on consistency! Your hard work will pay off!