Why do you want to do everything yourself?

One of the things I find myself repeating most often to my coaching clients is the fact that they don't need to do everything themselves.

Why is it so hard to remember??? Well... I know why. It's because most of us still believe that being busy = being productive.

I can't stress this enough. If you spent 10 hours working on a spreadsheet when you could have delegated that task to a VA, you are the opposite of productive!!!

Some people will tell me, "Deniero, I have no money to hire a VA."

My answer to that point is, "you can always make more money, but you can't get your time back."

If you really can't afford a couple of hundred dollars a month to hire a part-time VA at this moment, at least start with mastering all the automation software that's out there!

Most tools out there have entry-level free plans, and they will save you hours every week!