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My guest today is Michael Schein. In addition to many other things, Michael the founder and president of marketing agency MicroFame Media, and the author of The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists,...

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My guest today is Michael Schein.

In addition to many other things, Michael the founder and president of marketing agency MicroFame Media, and the author of The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers, which is coming out with McGraw Hill on January 12.

In this episode Gabriella and Michael discuss hype and how anyone can harness its power. 

Topics include:

How picking fights and punching above your weight can sometimes lead to big rewards.
Why influencers are not just for consumer product brands.
Why people are judging you by the ‘cover of your book’.
How certainty (even when you aren’t) is the way to go.
Why getting into the discomfort zone makes people more apt to listen.

Michael F. Schein is the founder and president of MicroFame Media, a marketing agency that specializes in making idea-based companies famous in their fields. Some of his clients have included eBay, Magento, The Medici Group, University of Pennsylvania, Gordon College, University of California Irvine, United Methodist Publishing House, Ricoh, LinkedIn, and Citrix. His writing has appeared in Fortune, Forbes, Inc., Psychology Today, and Huffington Post, and he is a speaker for international audiences spanning from the northeastern United States to the southeastern coast of China. His book The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers, published by McGraw Hill, appears everywhere books are sold on January 12, 2021.

MicroFame Media is a specialty-branding firm that has developed a unique process to work with individuals to help them grow their personal brand. Through a proprietary step-by-step process they work with clients to evolve their external profile until they are a recognized thought leader in their industry and a go-to authority in their niche. 

Follow & Learn More:

Obtain a copy of Michael’s book here.

Personal Website 

Microfame Media Website




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The post Michael Schein. Harnessing Hype. appeared first on Up Next.

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