We're back with another thrilling episode! We kick things off with an exclusive sneak peek at a much anticipated PBS documentary series, then we discuss ghosts, then things kinda go off the rails as we try to get a podcasting rivalry going. Also we get progressively more southern as we get more confrontational. Topics discussed include: the shortest episode ever, Sal Turbles, what to do with my old pogs, posessed by a ghost, the evilest tea in the world, where dog poop goes, what is a ghost, unfinished sandwiches, Tony Barullio, when are we gonna get Bernie on the show, a fake Barack, scared of his own feet, stealing a bank, all scratched up by a tiger, shoes on boobs, the wrong day to cosplay the blue man group, the scrapple industry, a boy named (fart noise), and a very vicious rumor about Joe Rogan.