Spring break is over! Ollie is back on American soil! Nathan is back to going to bed at a reasonable hour! Up Late with Oliver is back in your podcast listening devices! Oliver's little sister helps us judge some theoretical fights, then later his mom visits the studio and helps us plan our prison escape. Topics discussed include: pool rules overlooked by the Village People, Nathan's love of chaos, the wiener void, Sanders vs. Trump, a bigoted opinion on Spiderman, dessert planet, an Oliver-proof dragon, Hello Kitty's secret animal rights violations, Snoopy vs. jalepeno, that stuff that you spit out and you're not stuposta swallow, the Heathcliff lightning round dynasty, jingle writing, dollhouses, a jailhouse dungeon mixer, a self-sustaining murder cycle, prison sentence structure, Honorable Judge Warrior, the swirlie murder loophole, gym teacher prison break, Big Peep, what happened to our old lady money, and Up Late With Olivier.