On call # 4 of our series, our experts from ADDA (you can find them at www.ADD.org) told you about their national conference in July in Minneapolis.
Beverley Rohman is helping to organize the event, and she forwarded me an announcement to make sure that you know about the upcoming conference.
I am including the message here. [...]

On call # 4 of our series, our experts from ADDA (you can find them at www.ADD.org) told you about their national conference in July in Minneapolis.

Beverley Rohman is helping to organize the event, and she forwarded me an announcement to make sure that you know about the upcoming conference.

I am including the message here. Please note, they are giving you a discount if you register by May 16th. Here is the important information:

I’m writing today to tell you about the 2008 Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADDA) Conference this July 10-13 in Minneapolis

“Adult AD/HD: People, Purpose & Passion –

Pathways for Success”

This year’s conference features some of the most renown authorities in the world of AD/HD, including keynote presentations by:

* Sari Solden, MS, LMFT, on “A ‘Whole’ New View of Success – Aiming for Wholeness Instead of Perfection”

* Ned Hallowell, MD, on “Unwrapping the Gifts of the Mind”

* John Ratey, MD, on “The Spark for Success”

Other topics addressed in the many breakouts include:

• Family and Relationship Issues

• College Challenges and Success

• Workplace and Career Issues

• Medical Management and Treatment

• Science and Research

• Life Skills

• Non-AD/HD Spouses

• Time Management and Organization

• Women’s and Men’s Issues

• Coaching ………and much, much more!

Check it out on www.add.org

There is a Mother’s Day special going on now.

FAX your registration in before May 16th and get the early bird rate of $299 for members/ $199 for students.

Write ‘Mother’s Day special’ on the FAX form. Or Register on line. All registrations up to May 16th will get the reduced rates.

[end of the ADDA notice]

We all heard rave reviews of this event on our Unwrapping The Gift call, and I encourage you to come if you are interested.

I intend to be at the event - and I hope that if you come, you’ll come up and say hi.

And of course, if you are considering coming - act now to save some money on the discount that they’re offering.

All the best,

Dr. Kenny

Technorati Tags: ADD, ADHD, Adult ADD, Adult ADHD, ADDA