As the weather gets warmer, and the spring is coming - it often means getting outdoors again, and getting active.
It also means more school pressure for kids, as the school year starts to wind down… As well as other possible challenges.
In our commitment to informing you about ADD and ADHD events that will help [...]

As the weather gets warmer, and the spring is coming - it often means getting outdoors again, and getting active.

It also means more school pressure for kids, as the school year starts to wind down… As well as other possible challenges.

In our commitment to informing you about ADD and ADHD events that will help you - we wanted to share times when you can learn from Dr. Hallowell and Dr. Handelman this spring.

Some of these events are complimentary, and all promise to help you and your families out.

See Dr. Handelman Live:

1) Dr. Kenny will be taking part in the ADHD Family Summit. This is a teleclass series that you can take part in for f.r.e.e., and then purchase the recordings if you like. It begins on May 4th, and runs for 6 weeks. Click here to claim your spot for free.

2) Dr. Kenny’s speaking in Toronto for a one day seminar for professionals. It is called: 7 Steps to Succeed with ADHD. While the day will be geared for educators, social workers, psychologists and doctors, parents are welcome as well (as long as you know that the material will be at a level to educate professionals). This is taking place on Thursday May 28th, and you can learn more here.

See Dr. Hallowell Live:

1) Recapture the Romance with Ned and Sue Hallowell - a special weekend event to take place at the wonderful Waldorf Astoria in New York City on June 5- 7. This interactive seminar weekend is for all couples looking to reconnect with all that they love about their mate and to refurbish their love. Register early to assure your space! For more information, click here. Note: The Boston seminar for ADHD couples is sold out.

2) Cape Cod Institute: Dr. Hallowell will be giving a one week course on his strengths-based approach to ADHD from June 29-July3. For a full agenda and more information, go to this link.

3) Dr. Hallowell on Dr. Phil: Dr. Hallowell recently joined Dr. Phil to tape an episode of the Dr. Phil Show on the topic of “Can This Marriage be Saved?”. They explored how ADD can affect marriages and what can be done to help. As of this writing, this show is TENTATIVELY scheduled to air on May 4th. Please go to the Dr. Phil website this weekend to verify the air date. Check your local listings for exact time.

We hope to see you at one of these events, and we wish you a great spring!


Dr. Kenny

p.s. the events to watch for this week include:

a) Dr. Hallowell on Dr. Phil - possibly May 4th

b) Dr. Kenny’s participating in the ADHD Family Summit