Yesterday, our site went live for registrations.
We knew that a lot of people were interested in our program, and the ‘buzz’ was building…
We had 479 spots for our program, but based on all of the feedback that was coming in, it was obvious that that wouldn’t be enough…
And then, at 11:55 am eastern time [...]

Yesterday, our site went live for registrations.

We knew that a lot of people were interested in our program, and the ‘buzz’ was building…

We had 479 spots for our program, but based on all of the feedback that was coming in, it was obvious that that wouldn’t be enough…

And then, at 11:55 am eastern time (5 minutes before the site was supposed to go live!), the server went down.

Despite all of our planning - when the traffic started to hit the site hard, it crashed. It turned out that there was a problem with a ‘mysql database’.

Hmmm…. Thankfully, my webmaster ‘diagnosed this’, and got us going by 12:09 pm (i.e. 9 minutes late). [Thank you Mike!!!!].

It was a very long 9 minutes for us (And many of you too…)

Despite all of the planning, technology is technology…

Needless to say, I was inundated with emails - frustration, upset, anger…

People wanted to get into our program - Unwrapping The Gift of ADD.

I was tied to my computer (as was Dr. Hallowell’s list manager), answering questions and helping people sign up for hours.

As the day went on, I was able to arrange for more spots for our program. We will be using ‘webcast’ technology - meaning that you will be able to listen in via your internet connection. Because of all of the chaos yesterday, I didn’t email you again to let you know that we would have extra spots, we just kept the site live and taking registrations.

(Just as an aside - this webcast technology works on dial-up too…)

Many people emailed in saying: “I had to miss the signup at noon - will you run this program again?”

The answer is - ‘no’, we have no plans to run this program again…

BUT… You can still sign up now.

I am speaking with the president of the webcast company (when you need A LOT of lines, I guess you get to speak to the president…) this afternoon. At that point, I’ll be able to gauge how many spots our program will have.

In other words - if you want to make sure to secure a spot - go to our site now and sign up. If you get in before by this afternoon, then you will have a spot for sure.

(I really hope we’ll just be able to keep the site live for ongoing registrations, but I can’t be sure until later today…)

A final word: thank you to all of you who have been sending in your positive emails and comments. We really appreciate it!

We’re so excited (and humbled) to be able to share our ’strength based approach’ to ADD/ADHD with you.

Because at the core of it - we know that the information that our experts will share can literally change lives….

Looking forward to having you participate in the live event!

Dr. Kenny Handelman

p.s. if you skipped to the bottom - the short summary is: we can still take registrations today, so sign up now here.