This episode of Untapped continues our new On Dekk series, in partnership with the Dekker Centre. The entire On Dekk series is brought to you thanks to the generous support of our series sponsor The Battlefords and District Community Foundation, and the sponsor for this episode of On Dekk is none other than The Battlefords Chamber of Commerce… so a big thank you to Linda and Heather at the Chamber for everything they do for our local businesses and the entire community here.

Today’s conversation introduces you to Sherron Burns, an artist, art educator, puppeteer and you’re soon to find out great story teller and source of inspiration too. Sherron has been teaching for over 25 years, and works with all ages to help them explore how to create not only puppets but lives that are filled with play, innovation and creative self-confidence.

If you want to get the latest on what’s going with Sherron, you can check out her website or check out ARC Creative Studios on Facebook, where Sherron is an active member. I was lucky enough to tour the ARC space when I photographed Sherron after recording this episode… and it’s an absolute eye-opening treasure to see just how much creativity and talent we have here in The Battlefords.