This episode of Untapped continues our new On Dekk series, in partnership with the Dekker Centre. The entire On Dekk series is brought to you thanks to the generous support of our series sponsor The Battlefords and District Community Foundation.

Today’s conversation introduces you to Cayla and Annette Ellis of Annette’s School of Dance, a cornerstone of the performing arts scene here in The Battlefords. And this episode is brought to you by a true cornerstone of the culinary scene in this community… Dejma’s Curry House

Now Annette’s School of Dance has been teaching youngsters both the steps and life skills that come from dance for nearly 35 years. Like almost every facet of our lives, their business was severely disrupted by the pandemic, but they’ve learned to pivot - or maybe pirouette - and are now offering a range  of covid-friendly in-person instruction and virtual recitals and competitions.

Learn about everything Cayla and Annette have been up to in this episode and be sure to visit their Facebook page for regular updates too.