Previous Episode: Southern Racism
Next Episode: Untangle Whiteness

In this episode, we are going to look at how denial keeps a system in place.  

I am going to talk about White Fragility and how we can hide behind the "good person", the "non-racist", the "one who has no problems" and YET we are in total denial.  

I am gonna talk about how denial serves to keep us in a system that offers us an advantage.  It also doesn't ask anything from us.  

People, let's puncture denial.  Let's greet reality even though it is messy, uncomfortable, and often shame-based.  

Let's open our eyes, minds, and hearts to the problem of the day and align with dignity, grace, and equality for all.  

I will be reading the preface of my book and part of the introduction of my book.  I appreciate your feedback.  

I am also including a link to receive a group coaching class with people from around the world sharing in the Untangle Work.  

Let's do this together!