Full show notes and links available at unshakablehabits.com/roman-mironov

Episode Summary

Are you ready to break free from porn addiction and transform your life? Join me as I sit down with Roman Mironov, a porn detox coach who has overcome a 17-year addiction to pornography and has been porn-free for 8 years. Discover how porn addiction affects not only individuals but also their relationships, and learn actionable tips to help you or someone you know break free from its grip.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from someone who has personally overcome porn addiction and now helps others do the same. With Roman's guidance and expertise, you'll learn simple actions to help break the addiction and create a better life for yourself and those around you. Tune in and take the first step towards freedom from porn addiction and a more fulfilling life.

Key Topics

The impact of internet accessibility on porn addiction.How isolation and competition in the dating scene contribute to porn addiction.The implications of virtual reality and AI on the future of porn addiction.The dangers of cyberbullying in anti-pornography communities.The negative effects of porn addiction on individuals and relationships.Building and maintaining healthy relationships through leadership and communication.How to break free from porn addiction and create a better life.Tips on having conversations with younger kids about porn and its potential dangers.

Quotes We Loved

"Pornography is sometimes not a problem. It becomes a problem when it is an addiction, just like alcohol." - Roman Mironov"When you have the addiction, it makes you feel isolated, you don't feel social, you don't feel confident, you don't want to be around other people, because now you're carrying the secret inside you." - Roman MironovYou cannot concentrate. You find it harder to focus on your work because you taught yourself to be distracted with this thing all the time." - Roman Mironov"Being a leader, especially in your home, is not really about what you're making the other person do. It's about being accountable to yourself." - Stephen Box"Look, there is a better solution. What is it for you? Something simple: meditation, taking a walk, reading a book, being in nature. It's not rocket science, but those ways are sustainable." - Roman Mironov