Here's what we can expect this season for the UNLOCKED PODCAST.

In this bonus episode, I share all about what you can expect this season on the UNLOCKED podcast and also why I am using the diary of a CEO conversation cards to strike up the importance of supporting each other and improving well-being in life through deep conversations.

The main topics we will be covering this season will be

- Mental health

- Personal development

- Confidence.

I also discuss the new video aspect of the podcast and the three different formats that will be featured.

How the Diary of a CEO conversation cards are being used in my mini-series of deep and meaningful Conversations" with The Diary of A CEO Conversation Cards.

I also share about the patron community and how it's way to drive conversation and a way to support the podcast. The episode concludes with a call to action to subscribe, leave reviews, and join the community.

Come join the Unlocked Patreon at


The Unlocked podcast is back with a new season, focusing on mental health, personal development, and confidence.The podcast will feature a new video format and three different formats: solo episodes, guest interviews, and conversations using the Diary of a CEO conversation cards.Listeners can join the patron community to support the podcast and gain access to exclusive content.Subscribing, leaving reviews, and engaging with the community are encouraged to help the podcast reach more people.


00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:58 The Purpose of the Podcast

02:52 Topic 2: Personal Development and Confidence

03:47 New Format and Video Episodes

04:41 Three Formats of the Podcast

05:40 Diary of a CEO Conversation Cards

06:09 The Patron Community

07:38 Investing in the Podcast

08:08 Conclusion and Call to Action

Come Join the UNLOCKED community where you can receive...

Early access to episodesPatron shout outs and recognition at the end of every episodeExclusive backstage content and bonus episodesAsk me anything - have your questions answered onlineShape the future of the podcast with your requests.(Optional - become a sponsor of the show!)Exclusive giveaways and HUGE Discounts off my online courses and so much more...

To be a Patron and support the podcast just head to this link or head to

I can't wait for you to be a part of this journey!

Free Resources

FREE Ebook 10 SIMPLE STEPS TO SELL WITH CONFIDENCE FREE Ebook 10 tips to improve your productivityFree Workbook : Understanding Your ValuesFREE EBOOK : Improve your confidence and create awesome videos with a smartphoneFollow me on Instagram & Facebook at: 

Here's what we can expect this season for the UNLOCKED PODCAST.

In this bonus episode, I share all about what you can expect this season on the UNLOCKED podcast and also why I am using the diary of a CEO conversation cards to strike up the importance of supporting each other and improving well-being in life through deep conversations.

The main topics we will be covering this season will be

- Mental health

- Personal development

- Confidence.

I also discuss the new video aspect of the podcast and the three different formats that will be featured.

How the Diary of a CEO conversation cards are being used in my mini-series of deep and meaningful Conversations" with The Diary of A CEO Conversation Cards.

I also share about the patron community and how it's way to drive conversation and a way to support the podcast. The episode concludes with a call to action to subscribe, leave reviews, and join the community.

Come join the Unlocked Patreon at


The Unlocked podcast is back with a new season, focusing on mental health, personal development, and confidence.The podcast will feature a new video format and three different formats: solo episodes, guest interviews, and conversations using the Diary of a CEO conversation cards.Listeners can join the patron community to support the podcast and gain access to exclusive content.Subscribing, leaving reviews, and engaging with the community are encouraged to help the podcast reach more people.


00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:58 The Purpose of the Podcast

02:52 Topic 2: Personal Development and Confidence

03:47 New Format and Video Episodes

04:41 Three Formats of the Podcast

05:40 Diary of a CEO Conversation Cards

06:09 The Patron Community

07:38 Investing in the Podcast

08:08 Conclusion and Call to Action

Come Join the UNLOCKED community where you can receive...

Early access to episodesPatron shout outs and recognition at the end of every episodeExclusive backstage content and bonus episodesAsk me anything - have your questions answered onlineShape the future of the podcast with your requests.(Optional - become a sponsor of the show!)Exclusive giveaways and HUGE Discounts off my online courses and so much more...

To be a Patron and support the podcast just head to this link or head to

I can't wait for you to be a part of this journey!

Free Resources

FREE Ebook 10 SIMPLE STEPS TO SELL WITH CONFIDENCE FREE Ebook 10 tips to improve your productivityFree Workbook : Understanding Your ValuesFREE EBOOK : Improve your confidence and create awesome videos with a smartphoneFollow me on Instagram & Facebook at: @rickylockemagic For more about me and what I do, check out my website


It's officially here! Woohoo! You can now buy your own UNLOCKED podcast notebook. The perfect addition to share your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration from the podcast.

Available here!

A new episode is out every Wednesday. So make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any episodes coming soon.

And, if this episode brought some value to you, or even a smile, then please leave a review or a rating. That would be amazing!

Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy this episode and I'll join you next week for another episode of UNLOCKED!


Ricky Locke (00:01.07)

Hello and welcome to this very special episode of What to Expect in the Unlock podcast this year. If you are a returning listener or now brand new watcher because you're on YouTube, yay! Welcome back. I know it's been a long while. Been over 15 months, so I do appreciate you sticking around and supporting the podcast. Now, if you're watching this on YouTube, there's a little card up here on the top right of the little screen where you can go back to the episode and it explains why I've been away, but why it's been a driving force for me to return the podcast.

Equally, if you're brand new to this, then welcome as well. It's lovely to be in your ears or in your eyes. Then, yes, thank you for clicking onto this podcast. It's lovely to have you as part of this journey. So I want to share with you in this little special episode why you should listen this year. It's this brand new season of the podcast, but also what to expect. Now, firstly, the big reason why is because this is really fun. Now, there's more explained in that first episode, but the reason you should listen to this podcast is because why not? No.

I mean, joking aside, the reason you should listen to this podcast is because I'm on a bit of a journey myself. I mean, life can be extremely tough, let alone being a parent is quite difficult. So throughout this whole podcast, we're going to be diving into subjects to help us just get through life and get through all these obstacles that stick in the way. Because let's be honest, it can be really challenging sometimes. Business, whether you're in a career, juggling parents, juggling hobbies, just getting through life, achieving the goals we want to achieve.

can be really, really hard in today's society when mental health is like on the rise. It's quite difficult. Let's be honest. So in this podcast, I'm going to be sharing tips and stories from my life about how I've started to now change my life and realizing at 34, I get to choose my beliefs and now how life can be, how exactly I want it to be because I get to choose. So with that in mind, we're going to dive into a couple of topics. The first topic we will be diving into is mental health.

huge, huge importance to me. I've suffered with my mental health for many, many years now. So we're going to dive into this because I think it's really important. We get some experts on to talk about how can we deal with those inner feelings and those things that just bring us down and just drives us a little bit crazy and actually start less suffering, but actually just starting to improve our wellbeing through some mental health coping strategies. So that's going to be one of the things we're also going to start obviously continuing, obviously the personal development theme and looking into.

Ricky Locke (02:22.19)

How can we unlock the best version of ourselves through speaking to experts, authors, favorite books, and what can we learn from these people to help us get to where we want to be? Also, we'll also be diving into improving confidence as well, because as a confidence coach and working with the Confident Club, we have a wonderful adventure where we can help people improve their confidence. It's not just about presentations, it's also about beliefs. So we're going to share some stuff that we talk about and how we help coach people, because everyone could do with a bit of improving their confidence, right?

So those are kind of the three main topics we're going to be talking about. There'll be other things such as resilience mindset, but ultimately that's the three things we're going to talk about. Now, why I want you to listen to this podcast is because I'm a human being. I'm trying to achieve loads of great things in my life. I'm trying to get to that next level where I want to go. So this is a real human live experience. I'm not some big celebrity. I'm not this like famous YouTuber yet or famous podcaster yet.

It's a bit of a journey and I'd love for you to encourage and support me on this journey. And I would love to support you as well by building a bit of a community where we can help support each other, get to where we want to be and just equally improve our well -being in our life and get everything that we want to get in life. So if that sounds like that's something for you, you're in the right place. What to expect this year. So the first thing is that obviously, hey, we're on YouTube. Hey, we've also partnered up with Riverside FM, where now you can start to see all these video recordings coming to life.

I always wanted a video format podcast, but Zoom was great. But obviously it had some challenges and obviously the format that it gives you can be sometimes quite clunky and a bit difficult. Riverside has come into my life now and I've been batching loads of episodes over the past couple of months. And what it's done is create some fantastic content we can use for YouTube or even for shorts, reels and TikToks as well. So that's the first thing we've leveled up, we've upped our game so you can now watch if you want to. If you listen to this,

just on your commute on the bus, you can also go on YouTube channel and watch this exact video as well. Yay. And there'll be a video episode every single week as well. The second thing to talk about is the brand new format. There are going to be three formats that we are going to talk about on this podcast. The first will be a continuation of me doing my solo episodes, where I'll be talking about my stories as a confidence coach in the Confidence Club, being on stage.

Ricky Locke (04:41.134)

Would you like to hear about when I was on stage with Nelson Mandela's bodyguard and it was a bit of a car crash. Good. Well, I might be sharing that as well on this podcast. Also, I'll be sharing tips about my favorite books on personal development. The second format will be a continuation of getting guests on. So speaking to experts such as Alex Williams, mental health, resilience coach, talking to productivity coaches, all these wonderful people that can help us get to where we want to get to in life. And they will probably be a little bit of a longer episode, about 30 minutes to about 40 minutes.

The third concept is this one, which is the diary of a CEO conversation cards, massive fan of the driver CEO podcast. And this is a fantastic game changer for driving conversations. We'll be talking to loads of guests and just randomly pulling out a card and having a deeper, meaningful conversation with zero prep and just seeing the magic that comes out of it. I've already got some episodes pre -planned where we talk about productivity, mental health, resilience, and even took that out beliefs and the things that we let as a kid and how that stopped us.

getting to where we want to be in life. So very exciting stuff. And that's the three formats. And last but not least, the patron community. Yay. Firstly, a massive thank you to all the patrons that have continued to support this podcast when I haven't released an episode for about 15 months. I really do appreciate your support in that. The good news is that the patron community is still live, but now you can experience it on the app and it's really, really user friendly. You can even join the patron for free. And I would love to encourage you listen to this episode.

Join the Patreon podcast for free. You don't have to pay for it. It's completely free, but you'll be able to see some of the content that we share backstage, exclusive access, that kinds of thing. But you'll be part of this community where we can help and support each other. Be the best version of ourselves. Now, equally, if I know times are tough, but if you have a cup of coffee spare or a cup of tea spare, I think it's like three quid in Costa, maybe it's four quid nowadays. Who knows? There are other brands available as well. If you have £3 spare, you can now support me and invest into this podcast.

by making better technology, better video content. I'm outsourcing a lot of my editing now to people in other countries to help me get this podcast to where it needs to be, because this podcast has so much value to share and it's just everything I'm investing back in. So if you have a cup of coffee free, you know, if you find one episode really gives you a lot of value, then you can invest just three pounds of your money and it will help bring this podcast into life and just create the best version of this podcast. We can make it and I'll invest everything into tech.

Ricky Locke (07:08.494)

studios. There's a few studios in London that I'm going to be bringing the podcast down, taking my road caster and be meeting guests I've always dreamed of speaking to. And that's because of the investment. So if you have spare couple of pounds, um, that you can just kind of forget for a, you know, each month where you can still get some exclusive access, get all the episodes released early, you'll get your name shouted out on the podcast and also in the description as well. I'd absolutely be thrilled if you want mine supporting the podcast. That is what to expect this season.

very, very excited. The video format has been a game changer, although quite difficult and challenging. So, you know, I hope that you're getting a lot of value from watching these as well as listening as well. But this is what to expect this year. So I hope that you are excited like me and ready for a wonderful journey this year. And if you are, don't forget, hit that subscribe button on YouTube, hit the subscribe button on your podcast player and leave us a lovely review as well, because it will help this podcast get shared to more people. But thank you for joining me on this journey. I can't wait to.

See you join the community, whether that's on YouTube or in the Patreon as well. But I hope you enjoy this season and I'll see you soon to help you unlock the best version of yourself. See you soon.