-- The paradox is that you can have what you want when you don’t need it --  

Have you ever felt like your life experiences are just a big time vampire, where you get caught up between what you WANT and what you NEED, yet nothing seems to ever happen either way? This energetically keeps success from coming to us. But we can over come this paradox of needing and wanting so that the energies can move more freely.

Our life experiences are not usually what they seem. They may “seem” to be real, but there’s usually a hidden message or a hidden lesson inside. This often creates a paradox. When we’re feeling the pain of not finding success, whether it’s success in relationships or work or prosperity or any area of life, it’s usually not the situation itself … it’s our energy aboutthe situation that’s become painful. So how do we move beyond this energy trap so that we can get the success we want?

The energy trap is designed to keep us stuck. That’s the nature of “resistance”, and it’s our job to overcome it by working with universal principles.

The most important principle is about the abundance of the Universe. We cannot limit what the Universe can bring to us with our limited thinking. If we decide that success is the only thing that could ever make us feel whole and complete, then we’re limiting the many ways that the Universe has to bring us pleasure and fulfillment.

We do not know better than the Universe. Period.

The Universe is abundant and unlimited. That means there are countless ways for us to be fulfilled. Our perception of success may look one way, but it may not be the only option. I’m sure you’ve heard stories about people who were vying for one thing, and some unexpected surprise showed up instead… and it turned out to be even better! This is why I love the mantra, “I’m open to possibilities even greater than I’ve imagined.”

In order to allow success to come to us, we must accept that it can come through any number of avenues. There’s no such thing as only having one path to success. There are infinite options, infinite outcomes, and the Universe can bring unlimited possibilities.

From our earthly perspective, this is not an easy concept to grasp! But the paradox is that we can have what we want when we no longer need it, because we’re relinquishing the energy of “need” (that’s laden with resistance).

We’re relinquishing the pain and moving beyond the negative energies… we’re moving beyond our doubts and frustrations… we’re moving beyond these energy traps that are designed to keep us stuck. And we’re moving into higher frequencies where there are greater possibilities.