Previous Episode: What to Let Go Of

– When one door closes, don’t get stuck in the hallway!  –

You know the old adage, when one door closes, another one opens? Well, what do you do when the door doesn’t open?  What do you do when you find yourself stuck in the hallway, surrounded by closed doors, not knowing where you belong in all this?

How do you find your way out of the hallway?

Journalist Alan Kelly found himself stuck in the hallway. He was in a holding pattern. That’s what’s known as “in the meantime”. Sometimes, we’re in that place for a reason. We’re meant to be there, in that space of the unknown. It’s a magical place of mystery, waiting for the universe to reveal the next step – the next door – that’s opening for us. There’s hidden powerfor us to discover in this place.

The hallway has a purpose. It’s just that the purpose has not yet been revealed.

The problem is that it’s not a comfortable place to be. We’re in the eye of the storm, surrounded by turbulence. We’re in the unknown and it can feel overwhelming, disorienting and frightening.

While we’re in the hallway waiting for the universe to reveal the next step, instead of getting lost in the fear and overwhelm, we can step into the creative process. That’s what Alan did … he started brainstorming all the best possible outcomes. We can do this, too!

We can brainstorm a list of possibilities to get our energy flowing. Through this, we step into the energy of “allowing”. We allow things to unfold naturally. We allow the universe to bring the most benevolent outcomes. We allow inspiration to flow.

Next, we can connect with our higher self or source energy and stay open to guidance. We can ask for wisdom. We can ask for clarity. We can ask for insights.

Through our connection, we create an open door for new possibilities.