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– How to overcome the mind’s chitter-chatter when it screams too loudly –

Sometimes we find ourselves spinning out …. sooooo exhausted from thinking-thinking-thinking about a situation that just won’t resolve. We feel burnout and debilitation, and we just want to let go of all of it. But how practical is that? Somehow we have to divide and conquer.

So what do we let go OF?

That’s what Kim Cohen asked when the growth of her catering business became overwhelming. She felt it was just too much, and thought about closing her doors because the success wasn’t what she thought it would be.

But letting go doesn’t mean closing the door on our hopes and dreams. It means letting go of the negative emotions that are in the way of our hopes and dreams … negative emotions that hinder the efforts of our inner being who knows the path and is trying to guide us toward a better direction.

In letting go of negative emotions, we can connect with our inner being and use positive energies to create a fulfilling outcome.

In other words, when we’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, it’s an indication that we aren’t connected to the natural positive energy of who we really are and what we really want.

When we’re connected to this natural energy, we find that we can navigate around this negativity that’s burning us out. Because when we’re experiencing negativity, our mind’s chitter-chatter tends to scream too loudly. It depletes all our energy, and we can’t hear that inner voice at all. We can’t see which direction will move us forward. We’re just too depleted. And we often want to give up because we can’t see the solution.

So in letting go, what are we letting go OF?  We’re letting go of negative thoughts and emotions to clear the way so we can receive help from the inner voice that can guide us. That’s what Kim did, and it’s great advice for all of us. By simply becoming aware of this natural positive energy, we can be open to guidance from our inner voice as we invite a better-than-expected outcome.