– How to stay positive when things are unraveling around you –

You’ve been there. Just like graphic designer Sally Davis. That moment in your life when everything seemed to be going wrong. It feels like an avalanche of bad luck and misery hitting you from every angle. Your life spirals out of control and you can’t seem to catch your breath. You know the power of maintaining a positive vibration, but as you look around, you wonder, “How can I stay positive when everything around me is falling apart?”

The situation we’re facing is not the problem. It’s the energy that we’re carrying, triggered by a negative response to the situation. Just like Sally told me, “In the pain, the fear, and all the overwhelm … I’d lost connection with my inner self.”

When we’re overwhelmed, we’re disconnected from that hidden power within. When we focus all our attention on what’s ‘wrong’, the universe will continue to send more things that are ‘wrong’.

It isn’t personal. The universe is very impersonal. It’s simply responding to our vibration.

The good news is that, by shifting our energy, we have the power to create a better-than-expected outcome from any situation.

Do we have the AUDACITY to take a risk and transform our challenges into success?

It’s simple. Take a step back from the situation and course-correct. We can allow the situation we’re seeing to help us connect to what we DO want, rather than focusing on what’s wrong and things that we don’t want. And that’s exactly what Sally did.

Through this, she was able to reclaim her power and start manifesting a better reality with purpose, rather than creating by default. We can claim this same power. As we look at what we DO want, we begin to feel what it will be like to experience a new reality. Through shifting our focus and emotions toward the positive, our vibration naturally rises to a higher frequency.

Yeah. The universe knows what to do with that, too!

In the process, we create an ideal pathway for a new and better reality to come TO us.