– Why Ego tingles with delight when it can get us to look at impending disasters –

Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I’m way too emotional about this. I shouldn’t want it so much”? Especially if you’ve been hurt before… burned deeply by a desire that you desired. You wonder if you’ve set the bar too high, or if you simply want something too much.

Social media marketer Kim Orlando felt this way. She was worried about being too emotional about her success. Had she gone overboard  … desiring success too much instead of sailing through a take-it-or-leave-it (non-resistant) attitude? It created a contradiction; making her wonder if she was too attached to what she wanted.

When we have a really strong desire, we often have somewhere within us an exact opposite energy… some kind of fear. It’s the nature of duality. Part of us wants this, and part of us wants that. (Or part of us wants this, but not if that will hurt us.)

If we aren’t feeling any emotion (good or bad)… if we’re feeling indifference… then our desire isn’t big enough. So how much desire is too much desire?

This is a favorite game of our Ego. It’s a game of cat-and-mouse at its best. If Ego can make us look at impending disaster, then it can summon resistance. It tingles with delight when we start looking at potential problems. This is why we sometimes need discipline to train ourselves to not look at the problems, but to look only at the desired outcome. Yes, there’s that word “desire” again!

Kim knew this was her hidden power, to look only at her desired outcome. She knew the easiest way to let go of resistance was to look only at her desires, and we can do the same. So go ahead … let’s feel free to sprinkle positive energies all over our desires. In changing our perspective from potential problems to desired outcomes, it changes our vibration and invites success.