Previous Episode: Perfect Timing
Next Episode: Compassionate Choices

Think Twice Before Standing Up for Yourself

– When to stand up and when to step back –


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In each of our episodes, you hear me most often talking about positive vs. negative energies. Love vs. fear. Right vs. wrong. Good vs. evil. Our spiritual self vs. our ego self.

Today, we’re talking about thinking twice before we stand up for ourselves, and here's what I mean. In standing up for ourselves, which polarity are we leaning toward? The love energies that help us to reach and expand? Or the fear energies that encourage the negativity of Ego that keep us stuck? When do we stand up for ourselves, and when do we take a step back in compassion … with a greater spiritual perspective of our situation. 

This episode is for you if you wonder …

. How to find your strength and courage (even in the most challenging situations)

. What will work best for YOU … what will make you feel the most empowered, without hurting anyone around you

. How to know whether your serving your highest & best self, or whether you’re inadvertently calling in Ego to do the dirty work instead of finding the best possible outcomes

You might also enjoy this recent episode:  


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We are an awesome gathering place for extraordinary souls with big-ass dreams who are RIDICULOUSLY unsatisfied with status quo … and are seeking answers about how to dissolve the obstacles in our path so we can literally bring success TO us.


Your host: Rémy Chaussé

Best-selling Author and

Creator of The Get UNstuck Revolution!


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