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Within almost every challenge is some thread of unconditional love. And this is because almost every challenge has another person attached to it. It doesn't matter if it's a love relationship, a business relationship, a collaboration or a friend. Most people simply haven’t figured out what it means to express love without conditions, without expectations, and without resentments. How exactly are we supposed to do this in the real world! Well, it gets down to compassionate choices.

This episode is for you if you wonder …

. How can we thrive in our relationships, even when people disappoint or betray us?

. If we can’t control the other person, what CAN we control?

. Have you been dual-activated (or dual-awakened), living in BOTH the Density of Choice and the Density of Love [if you’ve ever felt like you were walking the razor blade between two worlds … like maybe you don’t quite belong here on earth, then you’ll love this piece!]

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We are an awesome gathering place for extraordinary souls with big-ass dreams who are RIDICULOUSLY unsatisfied with status quo … and are seeking answers about how to dissolve the obstacles in our path so we can literally bring success TO us.


Your host: Rémy Chaussé

Best-selling Author and

Creator of The Get UNstuck Revolution!



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