Next Episode: Accidental Destiny

– The paradox is not the problem –

Decisions, decisions. They can be a real pain in the you-know-what.

You might wonder exactly why that is. Why the simple act of exercising free will — of making a choice — can be so hard it’s downright paralyzing for some people.

Of course, there are times when the right option is obvious, when A is clearly superior to B, when a choice is so natural it’s almost unconscious. It’s when things are true on both sides, when there’s rightness and wrongness in each option, when there’s positive and negative whichever way you go, that there may be no rational choice.

That’s called a paradox.

It’s such a common condition, there’s actually a theory about it. And it happens to be called the Donkey Theory.

The Donkey Theory works like this.

A donkey is equally hungry and thirsty.

He’s placed precisely, exactly midway between a stack of hay and a pail of water.

You assume he’ll go to whichever is closer, but neither one is.

So, he dies of hunger and thirst because he can’t make a rational choice.

Yes, it’s a sad story, especially if you’re an animal lover like me. But there’s also a hidden message beneath the tale of one poor, paradox-paralyzed donkey.

But the paradox is not the problem.

What’s most important is not to choose A or B. What’s most important is to recognize that the problem itself is an illusion, asking you to grow into who you are, a creative vibrational being. The illusion is asking you to expand your abilities toward more love, patience, compassion, creativity, and to use your positive energy to create alchemy.

Have you ever asked yourself why am I here? Or what’s my purpose in life? This is your purpose in life: To create transformation through positive energies.

Every paradox … every problem… is drenched in a hidden universal force called resistance. This resistance is an oppositional pull, or a force that wants to deny or prevent your desires. And every paradox includes this repelling force. Every paradox is designed to stretch and challenge you into a new perspective, a new way of doing things, and a new energy about the situation.

Staying focused on the problem will only keep you buried in the negative feelings and keep you disconnected from who you really are. The actual solution will be found within a different, more positive energy.

When you stay centered in who you really are, connected with that creative vibrational energy, your Inner Being can guide you to make the right choice.

(And, if the choice is between food and water, I suggest throwing out the rule book and choosing both!)