Welcome back to the Unlimited Influence with Dr. David Snyder. We will continue our discussion about face reading and how the lines of our faces are connected to emotions. Dr. Snyder will also share a lot of great information about his mastermind courses and how you can join his programs for free. So stay tuned to this episode!

Standout Quotes:

“People want to take action. They're ready to take action, they have no clue where to begin. They don't have a how or when or where to take action and that means they need training they don't know they need many times.”
“There are skills you have and skills you don't know you don't need. And this is where the rubber hits the road many times is because that's what holds you back in it. It actually comes down to either ignorance or a lack of deserving.”
“Everything human beings do require altering your state of consciousness. Now most people when they start talking about hypnosis, and NLP and transistors, and meditation that they think they know what I'm talking about. And largely that belief that they know what I'm talking about gets in their way.”

Key Takeaways:

You have absolutely every right, privilege, and authority to make any change you want, for any reason you want in your body.
By being playing “pretend,” you can activate all the same mechanisms at the unconscious level that creates every belief, memory, and experience you had. And you gain the ability to access and change everything
The moment you point to where you feel something like happiness trauma or the moment you link external awareness and internal awareness, you automatically go into a trance or self-hypnosis.

Episode Timeline:

[04:28] Do you have the requisite skill sets necessary to take action?

[05:32] The Anatomy of Action and Success

[06:43] The Ingredients to Success by W. Clement Stone

[09:03] Emotional Motivation Drill

[11:55] The Emotional Bonding Checklist

[15:42] Neurologically Active Language

[17:19] Playing Pretend: Playful and Absorption

[22:23] Inducing Rapid Trance

[31:21] The Secrets of Personality Transformation: Ultramind Control Training for Success Home Study Course

[34:56] Real-World Hypnosis: Identity by Design Course Manual (Updated)

[35:41] Package Bonuses

[36:49] Laws of Attraction: Mind Magic and Manifestation Made Easy Program

[39:18] Real-World Conventional Hypnosis: Stealth CPI Universal Protocol Level 1

[41:49] The Hidden Backdoor to the Human Nervous System

[42:59] Renegade Reframing and the Art of Conversation Belief Change

[46:16] Take your Life to the Next Level

[48:56] Fast Action Bonuses

[53:52] Perks of the VIP Ticket

[56:56] What it’s like to be in Dr. Snyder’s Masterminds

[58:07] Combined Value of the Courses

[1:04:47] Body-Centered Energy Psychology