Want to know how to read the lines in the face? Dr. Snyder will demonstrate face reading and how the lines of our face are connected to emotions. He’s also going to talk about the power of mastermind mentoring and how you can join the program. If you want to be transformed, then listen to this episode! You’ll surely love it!

Standout Quotes:

"In terms of altering your state, nothing human beings do happens without altering your state of consciousness. Everything human beings do from making decisions to the emotions they feel and the behaviors that arise from it, happens because of the emotional motivation and emotional drive that we have. Many times we're conscious of that emotional motivation, and many times we aren't."
"There's a neurological fact that human beings are not rational, logically driven creatures. We have feelings and emotions, and then we manipulate our perception of reality, based on those emotional feelings. Everything human beings do is about feelings, and it's either a feeling they want more of or less of."
"There are four basic states every human being needs to have to be super successful. Those states are playful, curious, victorious, and relentless. Of those three, the two most important that I think any human being needs to have are relentlessness and playfulness. If you have those, you can pretty much overcome anything."

Key Takeaways:

Everything that we do happens because of the emotional motivation that we have. Sometimes, we are conscious of that emotional motivation, but many times we aren’t.
Human beings are not rational, logically-driven creatures. We are driven by feelings and emotions, and we manipulate our perception of reality based on those emotional feelings.
Most people fail to succeed because they confuse something they do with something they are. When you go from an “I am” statement to an “I do” statement, you dis-identify yourself from that thing, which gave you power over. All you have to do to gain control over it is to clear up the confusion.

Episode Timeline:

[05:46] What you will get from this Webinar

[07:49] Who is Dr. David Snyder, and why should you care?

[12:41] Controlling State and Recognizing Patterns

[13:55] Is this class the right place for you?

[16:19] First Impressions

[18:01] Dr. David’s Personal Promise to You

[20:30] What do you want to learn or get from the Webinar?

[22:39] Points to Consider on this Webinar

[24:45] Identity by Design Process

[25:44] General Negativity Clearing Techniques

[26:49] Safety Lessons

[27:46] What is the Unconscious Process?

[31:21] Special Negativity

[35:08] Would you like to be 30% Better at Everything?

[36:51] The Four Basic Driver States

[37:31] Changing our Internal Dialogue

[38:31] Sanitizing all the Negativity from our Past

[39:25] Deep Trance Identification

[40:41] The Driver of Human Behavior

[43:12] The Two Ingredients to Success

[45:33] Why do we lose our motivation?

[48:27] The Two Most Important Factors for Success

[49:38] The Two Kinds of Beliefs

[51:17] Identity Statements

[53:18] First Exercise

[58:16] The Primary Coding System

[1:00:28] Taking Action

[1:01:19] Why don’t People take Action?

Learn more about David Snyder and the NLP Power at:

Website: http://www.nlppower.com/

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