Want to never lose an argument, fail a job interview, or miss a sale ever again? Dr. Snyder is going to take through the Psychological Keys For Charisma, Chemistry, Connection, and Social Influence. You will learn techniques such as the Echo Technique and do drills that will help and teach you how to because socially attractive. 

Standout Quotes:

The echo technique is one of the most powerful linguistic techniques a person can use. Why? Because it literally forces a person’s neurology to pay almost exclusive attention to you and disregard everything else.
Human beings are moving through the world, searching for themselves. When they find somebody who reflects back to them, they become much more comfortable and much more attracted to that person.
Everything human beings do is in response to a feeling. It’s either a feeling they want a whole lot more of or a feeling they want a whole lot less of. Your job is to give them the exact feelings they need to feel comfortable taking the actions you want them to take. The way that you do that is by understanding that for anything a human being can conceive of.

Key Takeaways:

The reason that the echo technique is powerful is that the unconscious mind is constantly scanning for things that are relevant to itself. Human beings are like “sonars” that are moving through the world, sending little pings. What they are looking for is a reflection of that ping. So when you start using a person’s words to communicate back at them, they will not stop paying attention to you.
When it comes to attraction, you have to be different enough to be interesting without being unsafe or scary and similar enough to be comfortable. When you have that balance, you have attraction. 
The actions of Human beings are greatly influenced by feelings. So you need to give them the exact feelings that they want to feel. You need to “check” the boxes in their internal checklist. When you match those boxes perfectly, their body generates a feeling of desire, trust, and empathy, which is connected to you.

Episode Timeline:

[01:00] Welcome to Killer Influence Weapons of Social Seduction

[04:48] First time venturing into Planet David?

[08:12] Topic for tonight’s webinar

[09:01] Who is Dr. Snyder?

[14:40] What do all of Dr. Snyder’s Accomplishments have in common?

[16:40] Is this class for you?

[19:24] Dr. Snyder’s Personal Promise

[21:24] What is the biggest question you have about influencing others?

[23:22] The Emotional Bonding Checklist Drill

[33:54] Why the body feels relaxed after the Emotional Bonding Checklist drill

[35:52] What happens when you do the Emotional Bonding Checklist?

[38:30] The Most Powerful words that any Human being can Hear

[39:33] The Echo Technique

[44:18] Cautions in using the Echo Technique

[48:09] What does the Echo Technique do?

[50:23] How to do the Echo Technique

[54:56] How the Emotional Bonding Checklist plays a role in the Echo Technique

[59:26] Want to go to the next level?