In this episode, we are going to talk with Dr. Snyder. He is an extremely skilled NLP practitioner and is also a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Today, he will be sharing how he makes transformations happen.  

Standout Quotes:

Every division of the human being has a language. If you can understand how these languages intersect and connect them the right way, literal magic emerges from a human being.  – Dr. Snyder 
For every psycho-emotional state that you have, there is a corresponding posture and breathing pattern that triggers it. When you go into an emotional state, your posture and your breathing automatically change. The beautiful thing about that is it takes the minimum amount of willpower to hold a posture, which will summon up all of your willpower and will you feel a certain way. – Dr. Snyder
One of the fastest ways to get your motivation back is to focus on what you’re going to get. Not on what you got to do. – Dr. Snyder

Key Takeaways:

The Human being has a language that can be connected. When you connect them the right way, you get a whole that’s greater than the sum of the parts. But to do that, you have to understand how each language intersects one another. 
Posture and breathing play a crucial role in body feelings. It is a feedback loop where each emotional state corresponds to a certain posture or breathing pattern. And it only takes minimum willpower to trigger them. 
For a leader to get motivation, one should focus only on what they are going to get. They should only focus on what they will receive and what they can control. They should not worry about what they have to do to get what they want. 

Episode Timeline:

[01:26] How Dr. Snyder got started in NLP and Hypnosis

[08:05] How the concepts of NLP helps in dissolving trauma

[11:39] Colors, Body Feelings, and the Russian Doll Effect

[17:44] Rebuilding, Detaching, and Reenergizing yourself in a Healthy Way

[21:27] The Important Qualities of a Leader

[25:13] Looking at Emotional State Control through your Physiology

[30:36] What Leaders should focus on in Decision-making

[34:04] The Echo Technique

[37:05] Core of Dr. Snyder’s Approach to Sales and Connectivity Training

[43:05] How a Leader should Build a High-Performing Teams

[47:40] What Leaders should do to Function Effectively during Challenging Times

[52:24] What Leaders should Focus on

[55:10] 6 Key Phases to Human Influence

[57:12] How to learn more about Dr. David Snyder 

[01:00:08] Paying it Forward