In this episode, Dr. David Snyder will discuss the Power of Affirmations and how we can manifest the life we want. He will take us through an exercise on manifesting those affirmations for achieving success, wealth, and happiness.

Standout Quotes:

“What the unconscious mind generates, the unconscious mind accepts.” – [Dr. Snyder]

“When it comes to manifestation, gratitude is one of the most powerful frequencies you can tap into.” – [Dr. Snyder]

“Until you satisfy yourself, you’re no good to anyone else. And when you are good to other people, you will never feel satisfied.” – [Dr. Snyder]

“Many of us because of social conditioning don’t think that it’s okay to help ourselves, so we hide behind the mask of helping others.” – [Dr. Snyder]

“Live half for yourself first and then everybody else. Only help the people who demonstrate that they deserve your help.” – [Dr. Snyder]

“You have your own reasons for doing what you want. Your reasons are always the right reasons.” – [Dr. Snyder]

Key Takeaways:

· We create a space for the unconscious mind to fill by asking properly formed questions.

· A solution to a problem doesn’t always have to be logical. The answers to your questions will reveal more about your inner nature than the other.

· Gratitude is very powerful that the more grateful you are, the more you tend to attract.

· What you want shouldn’t match what society says that you should want. It’s not about what other people want but about you.

· There’s always a component of helping other people within us. But at the end of the day, we’re all about helping ourselves.

· Dr. Snyder believes that there are many people who will take our help who don’t deserve it. We’re just hurting them if we give them the help they don’t deserve.

· Human beings cannot give forgiveness until they’ve achieved justice. Justice is more important than forgiveness.

· Our reasons are the only reasons that matter because when we follow them, we’re moving towards our mission, our destiny, and our golden path.

· If we just acquire stuff and never do anything with it, we might as well not know it because it will be of no use to ourselves.

Episode Timeline:

[00:29] Statements and Giving Affirmations

[01:33] What Do We Deserve?

[02:55] Information As Opposed to Affirmations

[04:19] Writing what you want to manifest in the form of Questions

[07:56] Human Beings Are Logical

[10:26] Writing Different Affirmations to get Different Aspects of an Answer

[14:25] What SOCIETY wants vs. what WE want

[16:04] Difference between Thinking Affirmations vs. Speaking it Out Loud

[22:38] The Real Reason WHY

[27:05] Speak your Truth

[28:44] Coming up With Positive Affirmations

[30:23] Helping Ourselves by Helping Others

[35:18] Helping People that are rejecting your help

[42:21] Finding Peace and Forgiveness

[45:08] The Karma Police

[46:56] Delivering Justice

[48:16] Difference between Forgiveness and Reconciliation

[57:04] Satisfying the Primal Needs

[59:41] The Power of the Gods

[01:03:20] Fear of Being Judged for Following your Heart

[01:08:45] Being Patient with Ourselves

[01:09:24] Acknowledging Our Truth

[01:11:47] Feeling Good When Doing Manifestation Work

[01:13:58] Some of the Most Powerful Things in the World are the Simplest

Learn more about Dr. David Snyder




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