In this episode, we have Dr. David Snyder on the show. Dr. Snyder is a renowned specialist in hypnosis, NLP, and Mind-Body technologies for peak performance, persuasion, and covert influence around the globe. He is a hypnosis trainer, a Master Practitioner and trainer in NLP, and a Society of Experiential Trance member. Dr. David is the originator and founder of the Conversational Persuasion and Influence System (CPI). David also possesses a Master of Arts in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Southern California University of Health Sciences, where he pioneered the hypnotic method in conjunction with acupuncture therapy. Tune in and join our exciting conversation with Dr. Snyder as he points out our ultimate power to take control of our negative state.

Standout Quotes:

“I became ravenous in my desire to acquire more personal power to become more of the person that I wanted to be rather than the person that nature, society, and genetics conspired to make me. “
“When I see the lights come on and see the shift in them, that inspires me. That makes this is both gratifying and humbling work at the same time.”
“These moments of isolation are also giving us opportunities to connect and rebuild our families.”
“We labor under the belief that we have control of everything, but we don’t.”

Key Takeaways:

Dr. Snyder grew up in an emotionally abusive home, a stereotypical bullied child, triggering him to turn situations around. He grew hungry in his quest to get more personal authority and power to become the person he wants to be.
The pandemic brought us opportunities to reconnect and rebuild relationships with our families.
The only thing we truly have control over is ourselves and how we react to situations as we encounter them.
Changing your posture and breathing is the quickest and most foolproof approach to shift your psycho-emotional state, anywhere and anytime.
Everything begins with the physical body. The body is where state control begins, as is emotional cleaning, emotional transformation, or transmutation.

Episode Timeline:

[00:16] Introducing our Guest, Dr. David Snyder

[01:52] What and Who is Dr. Snyder most grateful for in his life right now?

[03:49] What motivates Dr. Snyder to accomplish the work he does?

[08:25] Dr. Snyder’s views and thoughts about the ongoing pandemic

[09:20] People are freedom-oriented but also hardwired to be fearful

[11:14] The only thing that we truly have control over is ourselves

[16:17] Dr. Paul Ekman’s Emotional Refractory Theory

[18:27] Amy Cuddy’s Power Pose and taking control over our negative states

[25:30] When does our true emotional state come into play instead of simply changing our physiology to change our state of being?

[25:45] Holographic approach to NLP

[26:25] The Mindfulness Approach

[27:27] Using an integrative approach when we’re dealing with emotions

[29:23] What is the Somatic approach?

[29:36] Color Consciousness

[31:42] The body mapping approach

[44:10] Biggest Challenge Dr. Snyder had overcome

[50:14] Find out more about Dr. Snyder and NLP Power

Learn more about Dr. David and NLP Power at:



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