In this third segment of the Mental Training Secrets, we will learn about Dr. Snyder’s Transformation Triads. Dr. Snyder will also demonstrate the Magic Frame Technique and Body-Centered Psychology. 

Standout Quotes:

“For every single mental or physical construct that we have, there is a specific location in the body where the feelings originate consciously or unconsciously. This is a holographic node where we can access all of the interoceptive information behind the problem the person has had.
“Part of the reason that NLP works and sometimes doesn’t is that the vast majority of systems operate either specifically, in one area specifically. They operate only in mind, or in heart, or the energy field only.  
“The Magic Frame Technique is one of the most useful and effective ways for the body to express things it can’t verbalize.”

Key Takeaways:

It does not matter if your problem is physical, mental, or emotional. The issue can be addressed through the VAKOG System or Body-Centered energy psychotherapy. You must interact with the energy fields and the holographic metaphors you will be playing with. The more your body is involved, the more you physically act out the change. And the more you act out the body, the less conscious resistance you get.
Integrate the mind, body, and energy field so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. When you do that, you get a very powerful change quickly. It doesn’t matter what the problem is because everything that human beings experience is represented in a VAKOG primary encoding system.
The Magic Frame Technique allows us to express the things we cannot verbalize. The inability to verbalize a traumatic experience or put a name to it in trauma circles is called Alexithymia, the inability to put a name to something. 

Episode Timeline:

[03:14] Body-Centered Energy Psychology

[05:54] Absorption and Focus 

[12:12] Magic Frame Technique 

[21:36] How often can we use the Magic Frame technique?

[23:47] Bucket Listing

[27:03] What is Trauma?

[32:23] The Bucket List Exercise

[43:13] What does the Magic Frame Technique do?

[45:44] Phrases that Creates Magic 

[47:40] The Possibilities from doing the Magic Frame Technique

[54:16] How to Overcome Financial Ceiling with the Help of the Magic Frame Method

[55:02] Pleasure Based Technique