In this second segment of the Mental Training Secrets, Dr. Snyder is going to talk about many of his courses. He will discuss bonuses, the VIP Super Ticket, and how you can get a free membership to one of his programs. 

Standout Quotes:

“One of the biggest barriers to implementation that I have found amongst human beings is the ability to communicate what they want in a way that the person being communicated with is willing to do what you’re asking them to do.”
“If you want a course that allows you to learn something new and start hypnotizing people tomorrow, then Stealth CPI Conversation Persuasion System is the way to go.”
“We get a lot of information about something, but it’s the wrong kind of information. It’s not what we actually needed to know to do the work. Sometimes it’s just too much information.”

Key Takeaways:

One of the things that Dr. Snyder learned in teaching NLP is that people find it hard to communicate what they want other people to do. They struggle to make other people do what they want them to do and target their belief systems. 
Stealth CPI Conversation Persuasion System is a drill down on instant and rapid, hypnotic induction to the seven most powerful conversation hypnotic language patterns on the planet. These are patterns that will allow you to make and cause anything you want in the listener’s mind. 
People get stuck in life because they receive too much information or receive not enough information. Sometimes, the information they get isn’t what they need to transform their lives. 

Episode Timeline:

[00:00] Emotional Bonding Exercise

[06:18] The Secrets of Personality Transformation

[11:19] Real World Hypnosis Identity by Design Course Manual

[12:20] Identity by Design Hypnotherapy Home Study Course

[13:40] Hidden Laws of Attraction

[16:05] Stealth CPI Universal Persuasion Protocol Level One

[20:00] Renegade Reframing


[26:43] Course Guarantees

[29:21] 3-Month Free Trial Membership to the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program

[32:43] Mastermind Member Perks

[34:29] Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

[36:14] The VIP Super Ticket

[39:30] Secrets of Personality Transformation Ultra Mind Control Home Study Course

[41:12] Extra Fast Action Bonuses

[53:28] Transformational Triad 

[57:31] Would you like to be 30% better at everything?