Welcome to How to Reprogram your Unconscious Mind. Dr. David Snyder continues his webinar and talks about the NLP Mastermind Mentoring Program. He’ll share information about all the courses and gives a small bonus for anyone who wants to register for the program.

Standout Quotes:

“You can become the person that you want to be instead of the person that the universe conspired you to be.”
“The people who take action, the people who just get in the game, are the ones that get the best stuff.”
“Our job at NLP Power is to take you from where you are to where you want to be in the shortest amount of time possible.”
“The one thing you have the most control over is you.”
“If you want to gain control of something, you must disidentify from it.”
“Anything we identify with our body will fight to keep.”
“If the memories that you have aren’t even accurate recordings of the things that happened to you and they’re constantly changing anyway, then why not change them to something that makes your life better?”
Anything you can disidentify from, you gain control over. Anything that you identify with controls you.”

Key Takeaways:

Everything you do on the mindset level, spiritual level, and transpersonal level towards manifesting what you desire must have a physical action that you must take that allows a vessel to be created that the manifestations you’ve impregnated the universe with can fill.
The NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program is the world’s longest paid skill-building NLP practice group.
There is nothing in you that your unconscious mind does not influence.
Narcissists and other forms of manipulators are extremely good at making you believe certain things about yourself. But that information is coming from outside of you.
The reason people can manipulate you is that you have weak boundaries and a weak sense of self.
Memories are not accurate. They are imperfect recordings of something that happened to you once. And every time you reconstruct the memory, they change.
If you want to become more than any problem you face, the linguistic mantra you use is to say, “I have X, and I am more than X.”
You are the way you are because of the way you’ve been relating to and playing the recordings of those events. But you have permission and the ability to change them in any way that you want.
All of our beliefs are built from the same brick and mortar. They’re built from VAKOG (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory data).

Episode Timeline:

[0:23] The Job of the Unconscious Mind

[7:45] The Identity by Design Hypnotherapy Home Study Course

[9:39] The Mind Magic and Manifestation Made Easy Home Study Course

[14:26] The Most important skill to have to be successful in society

[18:21] Renegade Reframing

[30:16] How the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program Works

[32:21] The Best Parts of the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program Works

[34:49] STEALTH: Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

[36:53] The VIP Super Ticket

[41:34] Total Package Value

[1:02:00] Identification vs. Disidentification

[1:03:14] Quick technique to fix an issue with logical levels

[1:08:17] What we need to understand about memories

[1:10:25] How to become more than the problems you face

[1:12:07] The Limiting Delusions that People work from

[1:13:12] The Biggest Problem that we have when doing Self-Work

[1:14:52] Excercise: Tapping into our Primary Encoding System