Welcome to How To Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind. Dr. David Snyder talks with us about how we can change our life. He’ll share some insights about our beliefs, identity, and action. In this webinar, we will also have exercises that can help us tap into ourselves and have the ability to have control over our beliefs.

Standout Quotes:

“Without awareness, there is no choice.”
“Everything works for somebody. Nothing works for everybody.”
“Getting rid of the bad people is probably harder than surrounding yourself with good people.”
“Inside your mind, body, and soul, you are the king or queen of your neurology. You are the god or goddess of your universe, and you have every right privilege and authority to make any change that you want for any reason that you want.”
“If you can point to where you feel it, you can change it.”
“It doesn’t matter what our identity is. If we don’t actually do something, if we don’t take the steps, then we’re never going to get where we want to be.”
“You can be or have anything you want in this world. But first, you must become the person who deserves to have it.”
“Taking action and becoming the person you want to be will always be uncomfortable.”

Key Takeaways:

Some people add value to our life who make us better people make us more of what we want to be. Some people don’t add any value, but they don’t take away any value. And then some people eliminate value which makes us feel less about ourselves.
Everything about us goes back to beliefs. We have levels to our beliefs. Who you are in this world is supported by your beliefs and values. Below that are your capabilities, the behavior in a particular environment, and the environment itself.
You are not the way you are. Your life is not the way it is because of the things that happened to you. Your life is the way it is because of the way you encoded what happened to you and the way that you are relating to that experience.
When you have an experience that comes into your body, it’s refracted into five channels of information. Your neurology recombines those five channels of information and creates this hologram of reality that we relate to as if it’s real.
We have two aspects to your body: the internal nervous system and the external nervous system. There’s always an interplay of information flowing from the inside to the outside and from the outside to the inside.
Once you understand how to synchronize inside and outside and use your imagination in a fun, playful, imaginative way with how you’ve coded your experiences, you can change any belief you want to any belief you want.
There are two reasons that people don’t move forward in their life. They either have a conflict between beliefs or values in their head, mind, or mindset stuff, or the actions that they take.
There’s a feedback loop in the human nervous system. Your perceptions control your beliefs, and your beliefs control your perceptions.
Your identity is the number one factor for creating the life you want. It is built from the beliefs about who you are, what you deserve, what you don’t deserve. All of that is built out of a code that you can change.

Episode Timeline:

[0:00] Beginning 

[5:22] Start and Introduction of the Webinar

[12:57] Welcome to the How to reprogram your Subconscious Mind 

[13:47] Who is Dr. David Snyder?

[17:11] How Dr. David’s practice and credentials relate to the Subconscious Mind

[19:38] The Secret on How to be 30% Better at Everything

[34:39] The VAKOG System

[35:47] How Beliefs are formed through the VAKOG System

[40:46] How NLP became instrumental in helping people