"You don't have to be one definition of success. Be okay with NOT KNOWING and BE LOST."

We have Zoe Pena @zoemeaninglife with us to discuss the feeling of being LOST on the Unlabelling Effect.

Zoe Pena is the first Filipino and youngest president of the AWA, the American Women's Association of Hong Kong. They are dedicated to giving back to the community and creating spaces for women from all walks of life. Going strong on its 67th year, AWA has paved the way for other charitable women-focused organisations to flourish. Zoe also serves on the fundraising committee of Enrich HK, a non-profit that empowers domestic helpers through workshops around financial literacy. 

Before all these great achievements, Zoe had been there – BEING LOST. Let’s tune in and find out more about her journey and insights. 

Connect with our guest:

Instagram Zoe  @zoemeaninglife

AWA Instagram @awahongkong

AWA Facebook @awahk

Find us on Instagram @UnlabellingEffect #Unlabellingeffect

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