All of us want to impact the world around us and it can be daunting to figure out how to make a difference.  We know from research that being involved in activities that serve others has a number of mental health benefits, among them being: combatting depression, preventing feelings of isolation, increasing confidence, reducing stress, and providing a sense of purpose and meaning.  Student athletes are part of organizations that provide opportunities for volunteering and serving others.  Many recognize that the platform of being an athlete can be used to do good on a bigger stage and see this as a social responsibility.  Veronne Clark is a social impact maven, working with many in the sports and entertainment industry to activate groups and individuals, empowering them to have a meaningful impact in their communities and the world.  In this episode of Unit3d Veronne discusses the importance of engaging in service to others as a way to put good into the world, but also to improve one’s own mental health.