Small towns in rural America are big but often overlooked mission fields. Special guest Ty DesEnfants shares his experience planting a church in Wyoming.

0:28 Lee Stephenson, executive director of Church Planting for Converge, introduces Ty DesEnfants, who planted Prairie Hills Community Church in Lusk, Wyoming.

1:00 Ty talks about how God called him to start a church in a small town like Lusk.

3:00 Ty describes Wyoming "as a small town with really long streets." The population of the entire state is less than 600,000. The county Ty lives in has 2000 people. "We’re about 90 miles from the nearest Walmart."

6:05 Lee asks Ty what advice he would give people thinking about planting a rural church.

9:25 Ty talks about where he grew up and why he’s uniquely positioned to pastor a church in Lusk. 

12:25 Ty discusses how the pandemic has affected his church and the adjustments they have made.

13:25 Ty shares about his church’s experience having a drive-in church service for Easter in a snowstorm last year.

16:49 Ty talks about resources for people interested in rural church planting.