Previous Episode: Who do you love?
Next Episode: 30 days from launch

When planting a church, a strategic plan is a wise first approach to solidify and implement the church's vision. In this episode, let's talk about the different approaches church planters can use to help build a successful strategic plan with their team that will last. 

0:23 Lee Stepheson introduces the episode topic and asks Danny Parmelee if he used strategic planning during his church planting time. 

1:17 Danny shares how through this process, he learned that planning was another passion of his. 

2:08 Lee asks Danny what the most valuable part about strategic planning is through a formalized process? 

2:50 Danny says going through a formalized process helps the church planter not just think of ideas, but it is "having that clarity of saying, OK, here's where we're at, here's where we want to go, how are we going to do it?"

4:06  Lee talks about his first experience with the StratOp process and how he has been certified to help other churches.

6:34 There are two strategic planning processes Lee shares he is familiar with: the StratOp and the Auxano process. He suggests Auxano for newer churches. 

8:32 When do you do strategic planning when planting a church? 

9:48 Lee thinks since everything is so young in the prelaunch phase of a church, it's best to wait at least a year or two before getting a professional consultant to do any strategic planning with your team. 

11:33 Danny Parmelee confesses that when he was a part of the church planting process, he naively tried to do the planning independently. He shares the importance of buy-in from the people meant to be a part of that phase. 

14:39 Lee suggests you start planning for seven years and work your way back. It is going to take baby steps. 

16:31 Danny asks Lee how committed a pastor and team should be to sticking with the plan. 

17:37  Lee encourages the listeners to stick to the plan as best as possible and suggests that a good consultant will work alongside someone for an entire year.