What should happen within the last 30 days before a church officially launches? There are a few bases a church planter needs to cover in the last push before a grand opening.

0:22 Lee Stephenson introduces the episode topic and asks Danny Parmelee about his experience of the month before launching a church he planted.

0:49 Danny talks about the importance of inviting anyone and everyone to a launch service.

2:25 Danny asks Lee about his experience in the last few days before a launch, and if there were any differences between both churches Lee launched.

2:36 Invite everyone you can to your launch service. You may be surprised who shows up.

3:36 Lee remembers the worry that no one would come to the grand opening, despite all the inviting he did.

4:19 The importance of being out front, greeting people before the service of a launch.

4:59 Lee speaks of the importance of the first impression visitors receive.

6:49 Observing volunteers who serve so potential problems aren’t missed.

7:59 Lee shares one of his opinions on sermon prep that pastors may disagree with.

8:48 The challenge some pastors may face when it comes to interacting with attendees as the congregation size grows.

9:55 Danny discusses church planters preparing their own expectations leading up to the launch, as well as being intentional in enjoying the home stretch of pre-launch.

11:09 Lee advises to plan something fun for a launch team before the grand opening.

11:36 The importance of full service run throughs in the last month of pre-launch.

12:45 An eye-opening exercise to do with the launch team when it comes to expectations of attendance numbers for launch day.

15:21 Danny humorously recalls an exercise for attendance number expectations for a campus launch.

16:04 Church planters should be intentional to make the last month before launch about the team coming together. 

16:40 Advice from Danny on what a church planter should say on launch day.

17:06 What should vision casting for new church attendees look like?

17:40 The importance of giving attenders the ability to connect with pastors as a person.