While "sleep when your dead" seems to be a popular saying these days and something many entrepreneurs live by, Brayand breaks down exactly why it's not!

As a child, the saying "be the first one in and last one out" was instilled in Brayand so much that he even got it tattooed on him. Only to realize later, it's complete bullshit! It's not the right or healthy way to run anything that you want to last. The age old story, "slow and steady wins the race" is something Brayand has found to be true now more than ever otherwise your faced with burnout and most times little results.

When networking with seasoned investors and entrepreneurs the advice Brayand has received has NEVER been, make sure you work until the sun comes up. He has only heard over and over to prioritize family, build a business you love, and don't sacrifice the things that matter because you'll be miserable.

If you are ready to UnF*ck Your Mindset, Join Brayand here:
