Someone sent me a DM a few weeks back after I changed my Instagram bio to Stephanie Dodier, Life Coach, and Nutritionist.

This person was curious why I call myself a life coach.

I grabbed my note app and started writing why… and then I sent her back a voice memo. She responded back that this was the most insightful perspective on health coaching.

So I thought if this is helpful to her… maybe for you too, it will be.

Why I am a Life Coach & Nutritionist 

In this podcast episode, I’m going to share with you 7 reasons why I’m a life coach and nutritionist.

It’s really 7 moments in my career that caused me to rethink the way I was delivering nutrition and health.

Ready? Let’s do this.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 7 moments in the last 10 years that lead me to coaching Why a client crying in a session triggered me to do some deep work That determined Why going beyond the food requires life coaching skills Being able to answer this question, “I don’t know why I just can’t do it. What's wrong with me?” is everything now. Mentioned in the show:

Going Beyond The Food Challenge

Non-Diet Coaching Certification

Free Resources