You just got hired as the Marketing Director for a promising SaaS company. You're so excited to start bringing in your ideas and creative charm to the team.


Before you can take the initiative on some new campaigns, there is something you need to do first:

Clean up all the mistakes that the person who had your job, before you, made!

We all know you just can't dive into a new position and expect everything around you to simply fall into place.  Certainly, people try. But, we all know that you're never going to implement the changes you want to see overnight.

That's why we sat down to record a podcast all about how to clean up your predecessor's mess.

Even if they were great at their job, there is going to be something that you want to try or implement that directly conflicts with the current marketing culture.

Join Raquel, Sam, Larry, and John as they break down how to come into your new position with some great ideas! 

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