Brand awareness is one of the most critical components to your marketing… Yet it’s probably the hardest aspect of your job to measure. 

We are hardwired to think that brand awareness means buying huge billboards, large social media campaigns, astronomically high ad budgets, SEO everywhere, and more.

But where does your website fit into this picture of building brand awareness? Does it play any role at all, if any?

The answer most certainly should be a resounding "YES". 

In this episode, John Aikin is going to reveal a four-part strategy that's gonna make your website a potent tool in building your brand awareness and getting more customers.

In this episode, you'll get to know:

1️⃣  Why getting a bit “chatty” with your visitors is important to convert them into customers. And that one tip, which if implemented can deliver immediate results.

2️⃣  How to leverage stories, and why thinking about design within those stories can empower your customers to stay with you for life.

3️⃣  The single most important element to implement on your website to improve your brand awareness and how memorable you are.

4️⃣  How to create a greater sense of belonging among your customers and why thinking about community is the next wave of brand building.

Stick around, you’re going to want to take notes on this one my friends! 


View The Website Conversion Framework Graphic Here:  

How well does your website perform today?
Get This Free Website Assessment Report Today!

Are you frustrated with your website’s performance? Is it a clearly outdated thorn in your side? Do you wish you could actually use your website as the #1 sales tool for your business and consistently put high-quality leads on your calendar for calls and demos?

If you want a customized action plan for how you can actually achieve all of this, then you need to take our free Website Conversion Assessment at

It only takes roughly 10 minutes of your time. Answer 30 questions on this self-guided assessment, and instantly get your report delivered.

When you fill out this assessment, you will receive a personalized report which includes:

✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

✅  Detailed descriptions of the areas you should focus on and why they are critical to your company’s success

✅  A checklist for each area of focus that shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your website in a step-by-step format
Additional resources to help your website perform better

And the best part?

You don't need to hire developers or designers to make these changes! The majority of what we're providing you in this assessment are things that you can address on your own without relying on coding or special tech requests.

Get your free self-guided assessment and see how your website fares today!