The buyer’s journey is the process people (our potential customers) go through in decision-making from the time they become aware of their problem through every step of research, weighing options and ultimately making a purchase decision on what product or service is best suited to them.

You’ve likely heard of the “hero’s journey,” which is a framework often used in filmmaking or writing. This is the same basic idea, but when we look at a buyer’s journey as a brand, we’re looking at it so we can position ourselves as a guide for prospects while they’re on this mental journey doing research and exploring options. As a brand, you want to focus on your customer’s being the hero and you being the guide. What we’re really doing here is trying to understand the decision-making process of our buyer persona and showing up as a resource or thought leader for them. This will help you plan your content and inform your content and messaging.

The buyer’s journey is broken into 3 phases, awareness, consideration and decision:


We're going through each of these and highlighting what they mean and why they're important!